Sunday, June 7, 2009

Catching up!

We have been crazy as ever the last month! We had some friends from texas come to stay and we took them up to bear lake. Then two weeks later we were off to California for my cousin Breanna's high school graduation! (for those of you who may think this odd, i come from a very small family and we support each other in EVERYTHING!) It was fun to take Vance to the part of Califonia that i come from. He'd been to San Diego before but never to the Bay Area. It was also fun to have him meet my Cousin's and Grandpa since he didn't get to meet them before we got married due to my Grandpa having open heart surgery two weeks before. We even got to San Francisco this trip and made it to Alcatraz for the fist time! We had a good vacation and were sad to leave our wonderful family, but we are glad to be home! 

My Grandpa Santos & my dad

Nan, my cousin Katie & I

Family Picture

Megan, Nan, Kristina, Katie & James


Vance found this in the NFL shop and thought it was fun!

Sea Lions

Miss Katie and her new shorter do! 
I'm sure the maid's loved cleaning up hair the next morning!

We bought Suesse this cookie at a doggie boutique in San Fran


Heather Frederiksen

SHEESH you finally update. lol just kidding you are better at updating then i am. anyways yeah you should definitely come get a pedicure.


Fun trip! I need a vacation. Let's do dinner or something this week.

The Singleton's

looks like your having fun, hay if you want to email me your email address then i can add you to the blog so you can see it. Haylee